Xavier-François GARCIA


Leibniz-Institut für Gewasserökologie und Binnenfischerei

(Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries)

Department of Lowland Rivers and Shallow Lakes
Müggelseedamm 301, D-12587 Berlin - Germany

 Fields of interest :                                                            Post-Doctoral Position and Guest Scientist at the IGB

- Systematic of benthic invertebrates, Chironomid specialist
- Biodiversity in large lowland rivers
- Lake biotypology, Biomonitoring, Water Framework Directive
- Ship-induced disturbance on littoral organisms

Personal details

Date of Birth : May 16th 1967
Nationality : French

Released from the liability to national service
Driving licences : car, truck and inland navigation
Initiation level of scuba


+49 (0)30 64181-685

+49 (0)30 64181-682
jgh h hjg garcia@igb-berlin.de

Last upgrade : August 13, 2008