Accepted papers :

26. GABEL (F.), GARCIA (X.F.), BRAUNS (M.), SUKHODOLOV (A.), LESZINSKI (M.), PUSCH (M.) 2008.- Resistance to ship-induced waves of benthic invertebrates in various littoral habitats. Freshwater Biology, 53: 1567-1578. (Abstract)
25. GABEL (F.), GARCIA (X.F.), BRAUNS (M.), PUSCH (M.) 2008.- Steinschüttungen als Ersatzrefugium für litorales Makrozoobenthos bei schiffsinduziertem Wellenschlag? Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen des Jahrestatung 2007, (in press). (Abstract)
24. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.) 2007.- Potential effects of water level fluctuations on littoral invertebrates in lowland lakes. Hydrobiologia, 613:5-12. (Abstract)
23. GARCIA (X.F.), GABEL (F.), HOCHMUTH (H.), BRAUNS (M.), SUKHODOLOV (A.), PUSCH (M.) 2007.- Is the impact of ship-induced waves on benthic invertebrates mitigated by littoral habitats with high structural complexity? Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Ecocohydraulics, Christchurch, New Zealand, 4pp. (Full text)
22. GARCIA (X.F.), GABEL (F.), HOCHMUTH (H.), BRAUNS (M.), SUKHODOLOV (A.), PUSCH (M.) 2007.- Do littoral habitats with high complexity mitigate the impact of ship-induced waves on benthic invertebrates. In: G. Nützmann (Ed.), Annual Report 2006, Leibniz-Institute für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, 24/2007, 99-108. (Abstract)
21. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), WALZ (N.) , PUSCH (M.) 2007.- Effects of human shoreline development on littoral macroinvertebrates in lowland lakes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(6): 1138-1144.  (Abstract)
20. SUKHODOLOV (A.), UIJTTEWAAL (W.S.J.), SCHNAUDER (I.), SUKHODOLOVA (T.A.), ERDBRINK (C.), BREVIS (W.), GARCIA (X.F.), (F.), PUSCH (M.), GABEL (F.) 2007.- Flow visualization in natural streams: examples and perspectives. Proceedings of the 32th IAHR congress, Venice, Italy, V1, 68. (Full text)
19. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), WALZ (N.) 2007.- Eulittoral macroinvertebrate communities of lowland lakes: discrimination among trophic states. Freshwater Biology, 52: 1022-1032. (Abstract)
18. GARCIA (X.F.), DIEKMANN (M.), BRÄMICK (U.), LEMCKE (R.), MEHNER (T.) 2006.- Correlations between type-indicator fish species and lake productivity in German lowland lakes. J. Fish Biol., 68(4): 1144-1157. (Abstract)
17. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), WALZ (N.) 2006.- The effect of trophic state on the eulittoral invertebrate community in lowland lakes. In: G. Nützmann (Ed.), Annual Report 2005, Leibniz-Institute für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, 23/2006, 89-100 (Abstract)
16. YOUNES (Y.), GARCIA (X.F.) & GAGNEUR (J.). 2005.- Seasonal changes in water quality of the Andorran streams and its effects on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. C.R. Acad. Sci. Biol., 328: 963-976. (Full text)
15. MEHNER (T.), DIEKMANN (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), BRÄMICK (U.), LEMCKE (R.), 2005.- Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bewertung der ökologischen Qualität von Seen anhand der Fischfauna. Limnologie aktuell, 11: 137-150. (Abstract)
14. GARCIA (X.F.), BRAUNS (M.), PUSCH (M.) 2005.- Ecological effects of different groyne construction types on the Elbe, East Germany. Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen des Jahrestatung 2004 , 297-301. (Full text)
13. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), WALZ (N.) 2005.- Bewertung anthropogenerBeeinträchtigungen von Seeufern anhand des Makrozoobenthos. Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen des Jahrestatung 2004, 178-182. (Full text)
12. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), WALZ (N.) 2004.- Contribution to the littoral fauna of large lakes in Brandenburg (Germany). Lauterbornia , 49: 43-72. (Abstract)
11. GARCIA (X.F.), BRAUNS (M.), PUSCH (M.), WALZ (N.) 2003.- Selecting potential type-specific lakes of reference in implementing the E.U. Water Framework Directive. TemaNord, 547: 206-211. (Full text)
10. WALZ (N.), GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), 2002.- Typology of Lakes based on Macrozoobenthos in Brandenburg/Germany, Central Plains (Ecoregion 14). TemaNord, 566: 123-125.

GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), WALZ (N.) 2002.- Implementation of the Water Framework Directive to the ecological assessment of lakes using macrozoobenthos assemblages. In: Ledoux, L .& Burgess, D. (Eds): Proceedings of Science for Water Policy (SWAP) - The implications of the Water Framework Directive, 305-320. (Full text)


GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), BRAUNS (M.), WALZ (N.). 2002.- Typologie und ökologische Bewertung von Seen in Brandenburg auf der Grundlage des Makrozoobenthos. In: Deneke, R. & Nixdorf, B. (Hrsg): Ansätze und Probleme bei Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrhamenrichtlinie. Aktuelle Reihe der BTU Cottbus, 5 : 53-68. (Full text) 

7. GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.). 2002.- Ökologische Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Verbauungsweisen an Elbe, Loire und Garonne im Vergleich. In: Geller W., Puncochár P., Guhr H., von Tümpling  jun.W., Medek J., Smrt´ak J., Feldmann H. & Uhlmann O. (Hrsg): Die Elbe, neue Horizonte des Flussgebietmanagements - 10th Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar, 305-306. (Full text) 
6. PUSCH (M.), GARCIA (X.F.). 2002.- Handlungsoptionen zur Verbesserung des ökologischen Zustands der Elbe. In: Geller W., Puncochár P., Guhr H., von Tümpling  jun.W., Medek J., Smrt´ak J., Feldmann H. & Uhlmann O. (Hrsg): Die Elbe, neue Horizonte des Flussgebietmanagements - 10th Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar, 115-116. 

YOUNES (Y.), GARCIA (X.F.) & GAGNEUR (J.). 2002.- Study of the mountain tourism impact on water quality and assemblages of macrobenthic populations in the Andorran rivers. Journal of Water Science, 15(1) : 421-424. (Abstract)



GARCIA (X.F.), LAVILLE (H.). 2001.- Importance of floodplain waters for the conservation of chironomid (Diptera) biodiversity in a 6th order section of the Garonne river (France). Annls. Limnol., 37(1) : 35-47. (Abstract)


GARCIA (X.F.), LAVILLE (H.). 2000.- First inventory and faunistic particularities of the Chironomid population from a 6th order section of the sandy River Loire (France). Arch. Hydrobiol., 147(4) : 465-484. (Abstract)


GARCIA (X.F.), LAVILLE (H.). 2000.- Spatio-temporal distribution of the chironomid populations in the lower part of a large river : the Middle Loire (France). Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 27(5) : 2524. (Abstract)


LANGTON (P.H.), GARCIA (X.F.). 2000.- A review of Cladotanytarsus conversus (Johannsen) with first records from Europe. Spixiana, 23(2) : 199-206. (Abstract)


Books :

2. GARCIA (X.F.), BRAUNS (M.), PUSCH (M.) 2006. - Kap. 7.3.2: Makrozoobenthos-Besiedlung in unterschiedlichen Buhnenfeldtypen. In: Pusch, M., Fischer, H. (Hrsg): Stoffdynamik und Habitatstruktur in der Elbe. Konzepte zur nachhaltigen Nutzung einer Flusslandschaft Bd. 5. Weißensee Verlag, Berlin, pp. 272-277. (Full text)

PUSCH (M.), MICHELS (U.), FELD (C.K.), BERGER (T.), GARCIA (X.F.), GRÜNERT (U.) & KLAUSNITZER (B.). 2002. - Kap. 6.3 : Benthische Wirbellose. In: Köhler, J., Gelbrecht, J. & Pusch, M. (Hrsg.): Die Spree Zustand, Probleme, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, p. 166-185.

Reports :

8. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.) 2008. - Valiedierung eines Bewertungsverfahrens nach EU-WRRL für Makrozoobenthos in Seen von Sachsen-Anhalt. Projekt-Endbericht. Landesbetrieb für Hochwasserschutz und Wasserwirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt, 96 Seiten.
7. BRAUNS (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), GRÜNERT (U), MISCHKE (U), PUSCH (M.), HILT (S.), KÖHLER (J.) 2007. - Praxistest zur Bewertung von Phytoplankton, Makrophyten und Makrozoobenthos in fünf Berliner Seen im Rahmen der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Projekt-Endbericht. Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin, 108 Seiten.
6. GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.). 2005. - Management of fluvial waterways, ecological effects of groyne construction types. Final Scientific Report. Individual Marie Curie Fellowship N° EVK1-CT-2001-50013, 21 pages.
5. MEHNER (T.), DIEKMANN (M.), GARCIA (X.F.), BRÄMICK (U.), LEMCKE (R.). 2004. - Fish communities as a tool for ecological evaluation of lakes. Final Report. BMBF-Project FKZ 0330031. Berichte des IGB, Heft 21, 202 pages.
4. GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.). 2004. - Management of fluvial waterways, ecological effects of groyne construction types. 2nd Intermediate Scientific Report. Individual Marie Curie Fellowship N° EVK1-CT-2001-50013, 29 pages.
3. GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.). 2003. - Management of fluvial waterways, ecological effects of groyne construction types. Intermediate Scientific Report. Individual Marie Curie Fellowship N° EVK1-CT-2001-50013, 13 pages.

GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), BRAUNS (M.), SCHÖNHERR (M.), NOACK (S.) & WALZ (N.). 2002. - Typisierung und Leitbildentwicklung von Seen des Landes Brandenburg anhand des Makrozoobenthos. Projekt-Endbericht. Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, Ref. W5, 36 Seiten. (Full text)


GARCIA (X.F.), PUSCH (M.), BRÜGEMANN (R.), NOACK (S.), BRAUNS (M.) & WALZ (N.). 2001. - Typisierung und Leitbildentwicklung von Seen des Landes Brandenburg anhand des Makrozoobenthos. Projekt-Zwischenbericht. Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, Ref. W5, 47 Seiten.

International Congress :

20. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. Annual Meeting 2007 - Münster, Septembre 24th-28th, 2007.
Oral presentation : Lake typology based on functional characteristics of fish assemblages. Garcia XF, Mehner T. (Abstract)
Poster : Sind Steinschüttungen Ersatzrefugien vor schiffsinduziertem Wellenschlag für dass litorale Makrozoobenthos? Gabel F. Garcia XF, Brauns, Pusch M. (Won the 1st price) (Abstract)
19. 6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics: bridging the gap between hydraulics and biology - Chrischurch, Februar 18th-23th, 2007.
Oral presentation : Impact of ship-induced waves on benthic invertebrates colonising littoral habitats. Garcia XF, Gabel F, Hochmuth H, Brauns M, Sukhodolov A, Pusch M. (Abstract)
18. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. Annual Meeting 2006 - Dresden, Septembre 25th-29th, 2006.
Oral presentation : Zunahme der Resistenz des Makrozoobenthos gegen schiffsinduzierten Wellenschlag durch erhöhte strukturelle Habitatkomplexität. Gabel F, Garcia XF, Brauns M, Pusch M. (Abstract)
17. Water level fluctuations in lacustrine systems: ecological impacts and prospects of future climate change - Konstanz,, December 11th-13th, 2005.
Oral presentation : Potential changes in eulittoral invertebrate composition following water level fluctuations in North-German lowland lakes. Brauns M, Garcia XF, Pusch M. (Abstract)
Poster : Environmental factors and eulittoral macroinvertebrate community structure of lowland lakes. Brauns M, Garcia XF, Pusch M.
16. 11th Magdeburg Seminar on Waters in central and Eastern Europe : Assessment, Protection, Management - Leipzig, October 18th-22th, 2004.
Oral presentation : Ecological effects of different shore protection types on the Elbe, East Germany. Garcia XF, Brauns M, Pusch M. (Abstract)
15. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. Annual Meeting 2004 - Potsdam, Septembre 20th-24th, 2004.
Oral presentation : Ecological effects of different shore protection types on the Elbe, East Germany. Garcia XF, Brauns M, Pusch M. (Abstract)
Oral presentation : Bewertung anthropogener Beeinträchtigungen von Seeufern anhand des Makrozoobenthos. Brauns M, Garcia XF, Pusch M, Walz N. (Abstract)
14. How to assess and monitor ecological quality in freshwaters - Helsinki, October 23th-25th, 2003.
Poster : Selecting potential type-specific lakes of reference in implementing the E.U. Water Framework Directive. Garcia XF, Brauns M, Pusch M, Walz N. (Abstract) - (Poster)
13. XVth International Symposium on Chironomidae - Minneapolis, August, 11th-15th, 2003.
Oral presentation : Using chironomids as indicators in implementing the EU Water Framework Directive. Garcia XF, Brauns M, Pusch M, Walz N. (Abstract)
12. Lake Shore 2003 - Constance, June 19th-21th, 2003.
Oral presentation : Statistical approaches for lake typology based on littoral Macrozoobenthos. Walz N, Pusch M, Brüggemann R, Garcia XF, Brauns M. (Abstract)
Oral presentation : Application of partial orders in evaluation and data analysis of lakes. Brüggemann R, Walz N, Brauns M, Garcia XF. (Abstract)
11. Monitoring and assessment of ecological quality of aquatic environments - Helsinki, October 24th-26th, 2002.
Poster : Typology of Lakes based on Macrozoobenthos in Brandenburg/Germany, Central Plains (Ecoregion 14). Walz N, Garcia XF, Pusch M.

10th Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar : Elbe, neue Horizonte des Flussgebietmanagements - Spindermühle, October 23th-26th, 2002.
Poster : Ecological impacts of channelization modes on the Elbe, Loire and Garonne rivers in comparison. Garcia XF, Pusch M. (Abstract) - (Poster)
Oral presentation : Management options for the improvement of the ecological status of the Elbe. Pusch M, Garcia XF. (Abstract)


Science for Water Policy (SWAP) - Norwich, September 2th-4th, 2002.
Oral presentation : Implementation of the water framework directive to the ecological assessment of lakes using macrozoobenthos assemblages. Garcia XF, Pusch M, Walz N. (Abstract)


Shallow Lakes Congress- Balatonfüred, Mai 25th-30th, 2002.
Oral presentation : Typology and ecological assessment of lakes in Brandenburg (North-East Germany) based on macrozoobenthos fauna. Garcia XF, Pusch M, Walz N. (Abstract)


XIVth International Symposium on Chironomidae - Rio de Janeiro, August, 29th - September 2th, 2000.
Oral presentation : Biodiversity pattern in two strongly reduced summer pools from the large sandy river Loire system (France). Garcia XF, Laville H. (Abstract)


Height International Symposium On Regulated Streams (EISORS) - Toulouse, July 17th-21th, 2000.
Poster : Heterogeneity of the large river systems and biodiversity. A case study on a six order section of the Garonne River. Garcia XF, Laville H. (Abstract) 


French Language International Congress (CILEF 2000) - Clermont-Ferrand, July 16th-21th, 2000.
Oral presentation : Study of the mountain tourism impact on water quality and assemblages of macrobenthic populations in the Andorran rivers. Younes Y, Garcia XF, Gagneur J. (Abstract)


XXVII Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL) Congress - Dublin, August 8th-14th, 1998.
Oral presentation : Spatio-temporal distribution of the chironomid populations in the lower part of a large river : the middle Loire (France). Garcia XF, Laville H. (Abstract)


Man and River Systems - Paris, March 25th-27th, 1998.
Bilingual French-English poster : Study of the general and functional Loire river typology for a better restoration of the hydrosystem. Bacchi M, Garcia XF, Berton JP. (Abstract)


XIIIth International Symposium on Chironomidae - Fribourg, September 5th-9th, 1997.
Oral presentation : First inventory and faunistic originality of the Chironomidae (Diptera) from a 6th order section of the river Loire (France). Garcia XF, Laville H. (Abstract)


French Language International Congress (CILEF 5) - Namur, July 7th-11th, 1997.
Poster : Biomonitoring potentialities of the river Garonne chironomid (Diptera) populations. Garcia XF, Gendron JM, Laville H. (Abstract)

Symposium :

5. IGB-Workshop : Transport- und Retentionsprozesse in fluvialen Systemen - Berlin, Februar 22th, 2006.
Oral presentation : Habitat structural complexity increases the resistance of benthic macroinvertebrates against wave disturbance: an experimental study. Gabel F, Garcia XF, Brauns M, Pusch M.
4. Müggelsee-Kolloquium - Berlin, May 14th, 2004.
Oral presentation : Auswirkung anthropogen veränderter Uferstrukturen auf das litorale Makrozoobenthos. Brauns M, Garcia XF, Walz N.
3. LUA-Kolloquium - Lebus, May 7th, 2003.
Oral presentation : Ansätze für die Seentypisierung und Bewertung anhand des Makrozoobenthos und Empfehlungen für ein biologisches Monitoring. Walz N, Pusch M, Garcia XF, Brauns M.
2. AEAG-Réunion "Bon état écologique" - Toulouse, April 7th, 2003.
Oral presentation : Mise en oeuvre de la Directive Cadre Européenne sur l'Eau - l'exemple de l'Allemagne. Garcia XF.

LUA-Kolloquium - Potsdam, May 23th, 2002.
Oral presentation : Typisierung und Leitbildentwicklung von Seen des Landes Brandenburg anhand des Makrozoobenthos - Erste Ergebnisse. Pusch M, Garcia XF.

Book review :

» Langton, P.H. & Pinder, L.C.V. 2007. Keys to the adult male Chironomidae of Britain and Ireland. Vols. 1 & 2. Freshwater Biological Association, Scientific Publication 64, pp. 239 + 168. ISBN 0-900386-75-6.- Review printed in Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. (In press). (Full Text)
» Wilson R.S., Ruse L.P. 2006. - A guide to the identification of genera of chironomid pupal exuviae occurring in Britain and Ireland (including common genera from Northern Europe) and their use in monitoring lotic and lentic freshwaters. FBA Special Publication N°13, D.W. Sutcliffe (Ed.), August 2005, Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside UK : 176 pp. ISBN 0-0900386-73-8, ISSN 1747-1958 £ 20.00 - Review printed in Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol., 91(2) : 195. (Full Text)
» Gopal B., Junk W.J. & Davis J.A. (Eds). 2001 - Biodiversity in wetlands : assessment, function and conservation, Volume 2. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands : 311 p. ISBN 90-5782-087-0. Euro 80.00/US$ 76.00 - Review printed in Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol., 88(2) : 234-235. (Full Text)

Gopal B., Junk W.J. & Davis J.A. (Eds). 2000 - Biodiversity in wetlands : assessment, function and conservation, Volume 1. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands : 353 p. ISBN 90-5782-059-5. Dutch Guilders 196.00/US$ 98.00 - Review printed in Annls. Limnol., 37(2) : 165. (Full Text)


1994-1997 : PhD Fellowship - French Minister for Higher Education and Research (MESR).

2002-2004 : Marie Curie Fellowship - Programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development of the E.U.

2002 : SWAP Sponsored participants - High-level Scientific Conferences, Contract N° HPCFCT-2001-00351, E.U.